Becoming 80

Becoming 80

  This month I turn 80. Friends ask, “How does it feel?” I reply, “It’s a bit scary, but I’m not sure why.” That got me thinking. At 80 I must be in that “old” group, though I can’t say I feel much different than I did at 79 (or 69). No, I don’t feel old —...
Discovering My Remaining Time

Discovering My Remaining Time

  I started this 70andOlder blog-site with a question, “How should I spend my remaining years?” That led me to another question, “How many remaining years have I?” I know there’s no real answer. As Shakespeare said through the voice of Julius Caesar, “Death will...
Managing Expectations

Managing Expectations

  Man Plans, God Laughs. While life is largely a self-fulfilling-prophesy — we get what we expect — unmet expectations can be devastating. Even little ones can spoil our day. Having expectations is human. They come with our imagination. We can’t let go of...
What Makes Barry Happy

What Makes Barry Happy

  For some to-be-explored-further-later reason, these blogs often pull me towards “Happiness”. This is the time of life when we have the freedom to be happy. If we’re not happy now, when do we begin? I thought I’d jot down what makes me happy. It wasn’t as simple...