It’s Makeover Time

It’s Makeover Time

With not very many years remaining, I decided it was time to shake things up a bit, try some new directions. Here is what happened, plus some more thoughts about this time of life and the mysteries of why we do what we do.

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Staying Upright

Staying Upright

A recent fall has me more aware of being careful, that includes reducing my stress. I’m cutting back on social media that’s only interested in grabbing my attention with their “panic of the moment”. I prefer happiness.

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One Nation — Divided

One Nation — Divided

With our current tribalized culture, it’s easy to forget that one side has legitimate, immediate, concrete, pressing grievances. Sometimes our fears and anxieties block the truth, that our common ground is enormous, our differences small.

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The “Cheap Products” Shell Game

The “Cheap Products” Shell Game

Homeowner insurance cancellations are one of many prices we are paying for decades of cheaper products resulting from cost savings by corporations not treating their waste, i.e. dumping pollutants. What goes around, comes around.

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The Coming Population Decline is an Opportunity

The Coming Population Decline is an Opportunity

The upcoming global population decline changes the rules for climate change discussions. Fewer people will bring a less stressed, more habitable planet, and end our growth based economy. It’s a golden opportunities for our culture, the planet, and new leaders.

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I’ve seen enormous changes in global population, consumerism, and climate change. We can accept human nature and our consumer culture, while actively contributing to peace and greater sustainability.

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Visiting The Red Zone 2

Visiting The Red Zone 2

At a wonderful Ohio family visit, some jarring behavior reminded us how we each stick to our comfortable tribes, and how disconnected we can be from the reality of people in other tribes and to our shared humanity.

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The Biggest News of 2023

The Biggest News of 2023

The world population will peak sometime between 2065 and 2085. Then it will plummet. That’s good news indeed, because feeding and maintaining the planet’s exploding population brings so much planet-wide destruction.

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